The Binary Dilemma: The Problem with Capitalistic Journalism

Why doesn’t reality T.V. show teenagers watching Netflix? Why are there a million sex scenes in every HBO show? Why do shows get titles like Scandal and Pretty Little Liars? It makes money.

No one is going to stay tuned in to a show about real teenagers with boring lives or t.v. shows about people that never keep secrets from each other. And when people aren’t watching advertisers aren’t paying and the station isn’t making money. Sensationalism is the key to media capitalism. It might seem like I’m saying down with capitalism and screw unrealistic T.V., although if you knew me, you’d know I probably couldn’t get by without the insane situations and unrealistic plot twists of shows like How to Get Away with Murder. So why do I care?

Because while 90% of the television is our dramatized fictional television series, the other 10% is our news source… see the problem yet?

Let me spell it out. Fox at 10 and CBS Evening News are not so different from other television SHOWS. That’s what they are, shows. They need money to keep running and just like reality tv and primetime dramas if it isn’t sensationalized no one is going to watch. No one wants to hear the story of a police officer that didn’t handle his adrenaline rush properly and shot a criminal. Who cares? Mistakes and bursts of frustration happen across America all the time… however who isn’t tuned in when they hear about a member of the white supremacist police force that went out hunting innocent black kids to shoot for sport. This sounds like something you’ll keep watching. It riles people up. It motivates them. It captivates an audience. An audience. That’s what we all are to the media. A group of naïve drones that will act on any story the media feeds us.

Now is the time to clarify that I do not take a stance on the current Mike Brown/Officer Wilson case, nor will I. I recognize the limits of my knowledge on the issue and the exact disputed facts of that fateful night.

How are we as citizens supposed to make qualified decisions and form supported opinions on key issues in America if the goal of our “News” source is to make money, not to relay the most realistic news possible?

The media demeans our cognitive abilities. They make and encourage the assumption that we can only think in binary. Either we are Republican or Democrat, either we are quit-your-job equal rights activists or egocentric bigots, either Michael Brown is an innocent outstanding citizen that has never even let the word Damn leave his mouth and Officer Wilson is a racist son-of-a-bitch that hunts the black community for sport or Officer Wilson is the saintly miracle worker of Jesus Christ and Michael Brown is a good-for-nothing criminal who deserved to die young. Think about it. In real life, not the media-generated world we are force fed, is this realistic? Are people saints and demons with all-or-nothing consciences? The answer is no, if it wasn’t clear. This isn’t realistic, this vision of two extremes. I don’t think we can classify anyone as purely evil or purely good. Even if you think you can classify someone that fits this description what are the chances that two pure 1 in a million evil and good people would interact in a deadly battle on the random streets of Ferguson or in an election.

All I ask of you all is to think about exactly what the media is feeding you. Question the extremity of the information they give you and play an active role in de-sensationalizing the stories you are told to boil them down to realistic comprehensible interactions among people. Because we are people and so are the people behind the characters the media creates.

Don’t Cast One More Ballot Until You Have This Conversation

  • Pre-Rant Background Information: This is just an example of one of my conversations, and the data was based on internal knowledge. Any faulty facts are easily changed, and I encourage refutation. Do not judge my argument ability based on the presented evidence.

    It is apparent that this country is politically divided and will continue to be so. However the current issue is people defining their views by a political party rather than defining their political party on their views. I challenge everyone to take a moment before casting another ballot and have a political debate (not argument) with someone that disagrees but respects you. Just finished one of these debates and found a happy common ground in which we could both live contently. Take a look below and see how your arguments compare/contrast to ours, and let us know you’re facts/opinions. Being open to new evidence is key to making the best decisions.

    Jessie Godsey

    I figured it would be best to move this to messages; I’m going to get myself in trouble. XDD If George Washington had his way, we wouldn’t have this split party bullshit that we have.

Zach Walters

I know. Trust me. I think people are stupid with this party system. By picking a party and having it define you rather than having you define your own views is complete ignorance and laziness on the behalf of so many Americans

Indeed. -__- And because that bipartisan system is so thoroughly drilled into every American’s mind, there’s no way in hell that a third party candidate would win a major election in the US

Zach Walters

Exactly which is bullshit because third parties are usually the in-between ground that isn’t psychotic

Jessie Godsey

I KNOW. XP Dude, I’ve been looking for relatively non-biased political info for like an hour now, and I’ve found jack shit! I want to know who I’m voting for in the Texas Primaries in November,

Zach Walters

Seriously. Im fucked when it comes to voting. Because I want to vote for a third-party but my vote is basically thrown in the trash if I do that..

Jessie Godsey

I know. That’s the issue I’m having as well. The Republican governor candidate in Texas will not allow me to get married, so he’s out. That leaves me with Wendy Davis, but I need to figure out WHY it is that I should vote for her, and not for a third party other than the fact that my vote will be burned and thrown out. -.-

Zach Walters

Exactly. Im sorry. We are a doomed sort of voter.

Jessie Godsey

Yes, yes we are. Are were doomed from the start. -__- Regardless, fuck Abbot. If he thinks my people and I are an abomination to existence, I’m sure as hell not putting him into office.

Zach Walters

Yeah. that’s fucked. The worst part for me is socially I am very much democratically alligned but economically and in terms of government policy and spending I am in support of Republican ideals. Therefore I am literally fucked. Do I say fuck our social policies or fuck our economy? Both lead to horrible outcomes…

Jessie Godsey

When I was a little younger, I was the same way, but as time goes on, I’m finding myself a little more aligned with the left both politically and socially. Aside from gun control, of course. Remember that big ass gun room my dad had when we lived in Missouri? xD

Zach Walters

Haha fuck yeah!

Jessie Godsey

Yeah. Second Amendment FTW. xDD Still has a gun room of sorts in San Antonio, and he wants me to get my concealed carry license when I turn 21. XD Of course, I support the 2nd amendment, but things like health care and government interference are things that I kind of go left on.

Zach Walters

And originally I aligned politically with democrats but I am quickly realizing that this anti-capitalism is gonna fuck our economy. And honestly not good for anyone in the long run. I don’t know. I wish that there was a likely candidate that says let businesses do business, lets stop spending money we don’t have, and let the gay community get married. That would be my shoe in. Cause right now Obama is pissing me off with this raising minimum wage shit…

Jessie Godsey

I can understand why the minimum wage thing is an issue; it isn’t a living wage, but you are right. It will force small businesses to close or run short handed and will further raise inflation.

I’m not exactly anti-capitalism, but I do think it would benefit the US to modify part of the government based upon Scandinavia. Health care in the US fucking SUCKS. It’s super fucking expensive. The way it is now isn’t going to work, but Canada is also a poor example of socialized medicine. There’s got to be an in-between.

Fucking business runs the economy as it is. Most republicans have some sort of benefit in letting larger businesses do as they see fit. That’s my issue with minimal government interference in business.

Also, I’m going to blame Rick Perry for the printer in my apartment not working. xD

Zach Walters

Alright the minimum wage shouldn’t be a living wage. The minimum wage is supposed to be what people can expect if they do the minimum effort to improve themselves. Even in a minimum wage job I was able to work up to an $8.50 pay in one year. Growth is possible.

Health care is insanely expensive, however the current plan for healthcare reform does have some limitations such as where you can have your healthcare provided which is horrible for traveling people or people with specific diseases that need specialists. (i.e. Ben having Ewing Sarcoma, the government health care would not have covered him seeing a specialist that was not at a specific St. Louis hospital). The healthcare system is good in the idea that it provides healthcare to more, but it decreases the value of healthcare for everyone. The reforms should place price caps on health insurance forcing business to create more efficient business and cost models therefore allowing the healthcare businesses and current employees to maintain their jobs while still lowering and making healthcare across the nation affordable.

And business is good. In simple economics it is made very clear that businesses (when not enacted upon by other sources and not acting as monopolies) will always operate at the point that is most profitable for customers because that point is also best for business. Therefore the governments involvement with the business market should be simply based on limiting monopolies however enactments beyond that point serve to only hurt both the business and consumers.

Haha I would like to blame politics for my messy room as well.

Jessie Godsey

It’s not always that easy. Though I do agree, more effort will earn higher pay. I make 9.00/hour at Taco Cabana as a shift leader. .. 8.90 or 9.00. Something like that. However, there are people there that worker a lot harder than I do for a lot less. Mostly immigrants, which is unfortunate. One of the other shift leaders that doesn’t speak English apparently talks shit about the rest of us being lazy. o-o

I don’t necessarily agree with Obamacare, and I do agree that even more reform is needed with the proposed/currently enacted…ish plan. It took my mom two or three months to pay off just the anesthesia when I had my gall bladder removed, even with great insurance.My parents are going to get a fat bill in the mail for me having to go to a psych hospital last week. One main issue I have with our healthcare is that is isn’t not focused on preventative care. Preventative care would lower healthcare costs on diseases that are prevented by healthy weight (not one too talk there, I know XDD), proper diet, etc etc. Treatment is definitely a money maker in the health care industry, but it’s also costly as all hell. Shit is still goinng to happen, and treatment is going to be neceessary, but preventative care would help.

Well, I’ve never taken an economics course… xD I feel that the government and business are too intertwined though. It may not be rational to feel that way, I admit, but rather than letting business do its own thing, some laws are being passed specifically for businesses to have more power than they need to.

When you do that, you have to have a specific politician in mind to blame. It doesn’t work otherwise. xDD

You have far more information that I do in politics, and honestly, my new meds are still fucking up my though process. I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about half of the time right now.x xD

Zach Walters

I agree that it is not always easy. It can be hell especially if you are born into a low income family. That being said, I think a stronger support for improved education systems and volunteer opportunities in low-income areas (i.e. Urban schools) we would create a level playing ground for all students to develop an education and improve themselves to get better careers with higher wages. The thing is. There will always be poor people. It is literally impossible for everyone to be well-off. But at least with equalized educational opportunity we are putting it in the hands of the students to decide what amount of effort they want to put in to receive the quality of life they want. We as people are entitled to equal opportunity, not equal rewards.

I completely agree with everything you said about preventative healthcare. It is definitely a key to creating a better healthcare system. That is one thing I can give credit to the Obama administration (specifically michelle obama) for promoting in children and in schools.

Im no economics major, but that is what the basics of economics says. So yes they are too intertwined and the government should not be bailing out companies and such and promoting big or little business. Businesses that create the best products at the best price will survive and those that do not listen to the needs and wants of the American population will die out. Seems fair to me.

Haha it’s ok. I don’t really know that much about politics itself. I just know some of the key debates and my personal standpoint. (Although I can easily be swayed to change my mind given the right information). And honestly don’t know what I am saying most of the time either, but it’s fun as hell having someone talk to me about it!!!!!


Jessie Godsey

Agreed. The playing field definitely IS NOT equal at this point, particularly with higher education. As of right now, if you can’t get scholarships (which is usually pretty fucking hard if you’re not a damn genius or sports Jesus), you’re putting yourself in thousands of dollars worth of debt to go to a university to get a decent education. Yes, there will always be the lower income bracket, as you said, but again, as you also said, there are people there that don’t have the same opportunities we did growing up in the World’s Whitest, most middle class city in America.

Indeed. There’s plenty of evidence with that with just the commericals on kids’ networks about proper diet and going out side. I remember when Nickolodean did that “day of play” thing where they either blacked out for the day or just showed pictures of kids playing outside rather than actual television shows.

True, but it’s disturbing to me to have representatives with large stakes in businesses, promoting their personal agenda rather the the wants/needs of their constituents.

You sound liek you know quite a bit more than I do about politics. xDD At least SOMEONE in our generation gives a flying fuck about the future of our country. Can you believe that some of these cock munches will be in office some day? Personal, I dislike many of those in our generation. -___-

Dude, totally! I do enjoy political conversation when the person you’re speaking to isn’t just like ‘You’re wrong. Your opinions are bad and you should feel bad’. I’ve come across that quite a bit. >->

Zach Walters

Yeah agreed. Actually programs like A+ are great programs to help provide opportunities for students to attend secondary education (even if community college) to increase their value in the workplace.

This Day of Plays were just the start of a very good initiative. And with this increase in the health kick, it is forcing businesses to move towards more healthy alternatives to be able to compete in this market, which is good for future generations. I can tell you based simply on past to my college now. There is a much bigger strain on maintaining health than there was before. WIN!

I’m not concerned that they have stakes in businesses, many people have stakes in businesses. I have psychological stakes in Budweiser and Ben and Jerry’s. Its when they act on their own desires rather than for the benefit of the nation despite their losses that concerns me.

I go to an Ivy League school right now so I am getting a good look at very likely candidates for office rn and their complete lack of ability to hold their liquor… We’re pretty much fucked! But hopefully someone with a head on their shoulders will find a way into office. That’d be refreshing.

And I promise I won’t tell you you’re wrong. Or i’ll try not to. And feel free to tell me Im wrong. It’s always good to have someone question your stance and even question your own stance. Helps you move towards the RIGHT answer rather than just arguing YOUR answer.

Jessie Godsey

Right. Forgot about A+. It’s been like four years since I’ve even heard about A+ Program. xDD Though that is a good point.

That’s specifically what I remember. There are a lot better options now around campus and on campus especially. UT definitely isn’t an Ivy League, but it’s still one of the nation’s top public universities, and they’re definitely going with public and student demand.

I’m talking monetary stakes; I also have psychological stakes in Edy’s and E-cig brands. XDD Case and point: acting on desires and ignoring constituents is a serious concern given it happens often. D:

Please, Jesus, let that be the case. Again, not at an Ivy League, but plenty of politically oriented groups and whatnot. I’m frightened for our future with some of these fuckwads with a political presence on campus. o-o

There’s a difference between correcting someone tactfully and telling them they’re wrong and going to hell for their beliefs. xDD I’ve known you for god knows how long, and I know you have common sense and tact. And know not to be an outright douche for no reason. Calm debate is good, and it does allow you to look at your views from a different perspective. Honestly, there isn’t always a right answer in politics; just different ideologies bitching back and forth in a never-ending pissing contest.

Zach Walters

Don’t get me wrong, I used to be an outright douche no reason. But Im working on that haha. And you’re right. There isn’t a right answer, but there has to be a better answer. I don’t know. I feel like everyone I’ve “debated” with has come to some sort of common ground with me. I think strong viewpoints have a lot more to do with limited perspective than anything. I hope everyone has these sort of debates before presidential elections 2016.

Faux Feminists and the Corruption of Children

The latest find on the beautiful internet. This videos topic: BAD PARENTING! I mean… Feminism!

Pre-Rant Background Info: I am not anti-feminism. Women deserve equal pay and equal rights to men. We are still working towards a better future, but sometimes the feminist movement had some faults i.e. this video.

I’m all for gender equality and all, but seriously?! These are little kids! By using and abusing the innocence of these children you are instilling in them an anger towards men and gender equality. They aren’t even old enough to form this opinion for themselves based on their own experience and research.

In this video it presents statistics about men raping women. This is a topic that will most definitely lead to a stereotyping (a verb often detested by the feminist and all equality movements) that men are rapists and will likely rape them. This subject is not appropriate for little girls OR little boys to be talking about with such passion. This is not about little girls needing to be proper princesses, this is about all children deserving parents who will teach them manners and respect for those around them. After all, respect for others is the underlying root of all acceptance and equality. By taking the innocence away from these kids and using them as pawns in your own faux feminist movement you have not only failed to properly present your arguments, you have made everyone question your judgements as parents and generally decent humans of this planet.

Women deserve equal rights, but children deserve proper parenting.

(This is not me making a statement about all feminist movements or even the ideals of this organization. This is my view on this specific video and the questionable judgements made by the creators).

A White House, White Board Video On Destroying Our Economy

Once again. The White House has managed to distribute blatant propaganda to promote Obama’s agenda. They most recently created and distributed (to the wonderful subscribers of’s e-mails) a homemade video to explain to us exactly WHY we should increase minimum wage.

We begin this video with the generic whiteboard and increased speed video of someone drawing representations of the data stated (if there was real data stated). The pictures were amazing. Wish I had talent to draw like that. However despite the amazing drawing ability of unaccredited artist, the video was complete shit that failed to address the key points and counterarguments of the minimum wage debate.

Pre-rant background information: I am currently a college freshman who has had two different minimum wage fast food service jobs. I have had experience with the minimum wage and it’s effects on high school age workers as well as single mothers. The following rant is based on personal experience as well as simple logic.

To commence this rant, I first draw attention to the unacceptable failure of the government to address the increase in unemployment that would occur with this wage increase and the number of small businesses that would be forced to close due to lack of funds to pay the necessary workers. I am nothing more than a simple college student taking an Introduction to Economics class. And in the very first semester along with a lifetime of common sense I am already abled enough to recognize that if minimum wage goes up, as a business owner, so does your overall costs. This in turn either means you must increase the prices of the products to make up for this loss or you have to cut some of the costs (aka the workers considering they are minimum wage workers who are often disposable/replaceable). This means increased minimum wage would result in either inflation of prices or increased unemployment. Another note to keep in mind is that often times, although depressing, those living in poverty are the ones purchasing food at companies with a lot of minimum wage workers (most fast food places). So by inflating the price at these companies we are taking more money out of the pockets of the poor or forcing them to decrease their already limited food intake. In addition, while maybe this increase will take a small hit on larger corporation such as McDonalds due to their stored wealth, smaller businesses that are already operating at a low-profit line with the minimum workers required will not be able to afford to pay employees the increased wages and thus not have enough employees to keep the business operational.

This is not a Republican or conservative argument. A raise in the minimum wage, while on the surface seems to be directed at helping the poor (a very democratic ideal) will actually lead to a disadvantage to the poor as well as an advantage to larger corporations (an idea that democrats often criticize Republicans for promoting). We can see that this argument for not increasing the minimum wage is not a conservative vs. liberal debate. This increase does not benefit the goals of either view points. An increase in the minimum wage is not only detrimental to the economy of small business but to the lives of those who already suffer in poverty.

Increasing the minimum wage is NOT the answer. This increase is proposed to “help” the poor stuck in minimum wage jobs, however we can’t just throw money at the problem. Those that are trying to support a family on a minimum wage pay should take the extra time and energy to improve themselves and make themselves a valuable asset to the company to earn an increase in wage. We need to start taking self-initiative rather than expecting the government to solve our problems for us. This proposed increase in minimum wage could be one of the biggest hits our economy takes. 

Be smart, vote no to wage increase and yes to college degrees.